Monday, January 26, 2009

Post-Holiday doldrums (Bridget)

In some ways I really love the time of winter after the major holidays are over. It can be a very relaxing time of unwinding after a whirlwind of preparation and festivities. I usually get inspired to do crafty things or clean out closets. Of course this year, I'm very pregnant right now and it's exhausting just getting through my regular chores. I have managed to do some small things that I've enjoyed though. Before the holidays I made homemade vanilla by soaking vanilla beans in vodka. I haven't tried any yet but it smells heavenly! The kids and I treated the poor frigid birdies to pinecone feeders covered with bacon grease and birdseed. I made an all-purpose cleaner by soaking orange peels in white vinegar. It smells better than plain vinegar and seems to work well. I plan on phasing out all my toxic cleaners and replacing them with natural ones. They're so much cheaper and they really do work. I used plain old baking soda on Lonny's shower and it really removed that soap scum from the glass door! I've also switched from Downy fabric softener to white vinegar, which I just put in the Downy Ball and add to my laundry. I have noticed no difference in softness after switching and there's no vinegar smell either. I dry each load in the dryer for 15 minutes and then hang them on racks to dry. It does take more time and effort and sometimes I end up just drying the clothes all the way in the dryer, especially the whites because of all the dang socks! I guess every little bit helps. We also made fire starters using dryer lint, cardboard egg cartons and old candles melted down. They work really well. I found a knitting pattern for the cutest kids' winter hat. We already bought Ethan a fleece one in the same style but I was excited to find a hand-knit version and it was a free download from Anyway, it's called a pigtail hat or an ear hat. It's kind of squared off on top with tassles on the corners so it does look like pigtails. It's still very cute on a little boy though. I decided to try it out, so I made the smallest size and it fits Ethan so he wears that one too. I'll get a picture sometime and post it. I can't wait to make some more. I think it'll be my new go-to baby hat pattern for gifts because it's so easy and cute. I bought fabric (75% off - yay me!) for window valances for the living and dining rooms and I'm excited to make those as well as paint the boring white walls. I figure I'd better get it done before the baby comes or it won't get done for another 3 years! As you can tell, my spirit is ready and willing. Now, if only my body would cooperate!

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