Monday, April 21, 2008

L.O.T.R Diaries (Daniel)

For writing we did diaries of people in Lord of the Rings. I did one on Sauron titled "The Journal of Sauron the Great."Nicholas did one on Saruman and Matthew did one on Lurtz. It's fun to do stories from another point of view, especially if it's from the point of view of a villain!

To make one I typed it out in a funny font(like this) and printed it out. To make it look more convincing, I took some black paper and crumpled it up to make it look like old black parchment. I used this for a cover. Here is the finished product:

1 comment:

Susan said...

What a great idea! I think I'll steal it from you. And you even found time to do your own. UR amazing. (Like my attempt to keep up with the teen net lingo?)