Sunday, May 3, 2009

Summer! At least temporarily...(Bridget)

We had the most gorgeous day today - 77 degrees and sun, sun, sun! I went out and did yard work for about 2 hours while the babies were sleeping and I have the blisters to prove it. I even hung a load of clothes out for the first time in a long time. I'm sure I won't have time to do it every day like I wish I could but maybe once school is over.... Lonny and I took Ethan and Samantha for a walk this afternoon and saw a robin at the tippy-top of a tree just singing at the top of his little lungs. That's what this weather makes me feel like doing too. I know that I'd feel a lot less energetic if I woke up after very few consecutive hours of sleep every night to darkness and cold instead of bright sunshine and warm(ish) weather. If only my body didn't require sleep; there's so much I feel like doing! Actually, it's not so much my lack of sleep that's keeping me from doing what I want, it's lack of time. When Lonny is home he can hold Sam and help with Ethan but if I have to do it all, there's very little time left for anything else.

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