Please indulge me as I wax mushy on the subject of my sweet husband today. This is our 15th anniversary and I love him more now than I did on the day we married. I still remember that day (duh, who doesn't remember their wedding day?) :) I didn't sleep much the night before. I went down to breakfast and could only get a few sips of coffee and a bite of a muffin down. I was SO nervous. It felt so right to stand there next to Lonny in front of the altar in the church I attended as a child. I received all the sacraments in that very church - baptism, confession, first communion, confirmation and finally, matrimony. The wedding was beautiful and I still think it was so nice that we had friends from all the stages of our lives there to witness our marriage. The weather was sunny with a cool breeze - much warmer than it had been the day before. Anyway, that was the day we became "one" and though it hasn't always been easy, we have remained "one" all these years.
Marriage is tough - there are no two ways about it. But we grow every time we make it through a rough patch. We have to try not to let life get in the way of caring for each other because if we stop showing each other how much we care in little ways throughout the day, we end up drifting apart and no longer acting as one.
I hardly ever say it but I notice the little things Lonny does for me and they make a HUGE difference in my day and in my life. I notice that when I heave an exhausted sigh in the wee hours of the morning when I've fed Samantha but she just won't go back to sleep, my husband's feet find mine as if to say, "I'm here with you." I notice when he sees that my cell phone needs charging and puts it on the charger for me. I notice when he offers to go to the store for me when I've run out of some ingredient that I need for dinner. I notice when he leaves work early to chauffeur the kids to their activities. I notice that he gets up in the morning on the weekends with Ethan and lets me sleep in. I notice when he brings me coffee on those days. I notice all the things he does around the house. He truly is "my handyman." I notice the ways that he shows the kids how much he loves them and that makes me feel loved too.
I hope that my one and only notices the little things I do for him and that he feels loved. Because I love him with all my heart.